Our programs offer the challenge of a stimulating and rewarding career. Paul Mitchell The School Colorado Springs is fully equipped to meet all the demands of modern hair care, while at the same time providing a high-tech atmosphere and attitude for progressive personal development. The 13,700 square-foot facility includes student lounge and lockers, client reception and work areas, management offices, private classrooms, workstations, and equipment.
Paul Mitchell The School Colorado Springs is a single level building on ground level from the parking lot and is ADA compliant. We have ADA bathrooms, and ADA drinking fountain. We do have a stage that has a ramp attachment.
Students must abide by local (city and/or landlord) parking rules, which are announced during orientation. Paul Mitchell The School Colorado Springs will not be responsible for parking violations and/or towing fees. Paul Mitchell The School Colorado Springs will not be responsible for student’s vehicles nor personal property.
Monday - Friday: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Closed Sunday and Saturday
The school director is Micah McDougle, they can be reached in person or by calling 719-636-1426, or by mail at 118 West Colorado Avenue, Colorado Springs, CO 80903.